Ensemble Aurōrae
The Norwegian violinist Ragna Rian has extensive experience as a chamber musician, and has performed in New York, Tokyo, Konzerthaus Berlin and Musikverein Vienna, among others. Through her passion for chamber music, Ragna has been able to learn from and play with some of the world's leading musicians. Those include Vilde Frang, Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl, The Juilliard String Quartet, Peter Matzka, Bjørg Lewis, Isabelle van Keulen, Lars Anders Tomter and Christopher Park. She has played at festivals such as Pablo Casals Prades, FEMUSC Brasil, ECMA Vilnius, Bodø Jazz Open and Nordlysfestivalen.
Ragna obtained her Bachelor’s degree at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) Oslo (with Professors Terje Moe Hansen and Henning Kraggerud) and MDW Vienna (with Professor Ernst Kovacic) and is currently undertaking a Master of Music at NMH. Recent highlights include her performance as a soloist in Beethoven's triple concerto at NMH. Since 2016, she has regularly played with the Trondheim Soloists, a versatile, Grammy-winning chamber orchestra of the highest class.
Ragna is passionate about bringing musical genres closer together in order to convey music to as wide an audience as possible. She composes and arranges music for the Norwegian hardanger fiddle, such as in her duo concerts with cellist Ema Grcman at the Blaafarveværket, Sentralen and the National Museum in Oslo, and in their concerts with Norwegian folk tales for children. She is active in the contemporary music scene and has premiered numerous works in different ensembles. Furthermore, she collaborates with DJs in improvised / popular music. Ragna is playing on a Francis Kuttner violin from 2010, and a Olav G. Helland hardanger fiddle from 1908, both on generous loan from Sparebankstiftelsen Dextra Musica.